Saturday, January 27, 2024

atlas in the dash

i need love

honey and morning glory

field dikes dressed for mid july

as moss covers sycamores

and maples need lichens

i need a dabble of kelly leaves

a patch of mussed peat

love worms squirm in me

earthy unsighted invertebrate love

needs night laced soil

or a scrum of open country road

randy as corn cobs and silk

the milk from a snapped ear

two quiet hours with my feet on the dashboard

between sleep and kissed fingernails

and wet curls of hair

i need bored sleepy love

humid heartbeats of intractable love

noxious flirts and the cool breeze


  1. Well when you make it sound like that I guess I need it too. "feet on the dashboard "Yes that is a super chill posture.
